(RYM, Wyoming, MN)work was terribly boring today. That bugs me a great deal, because my job has not changed at all - only my perception of my work. i struggle to feel that i accomplish enough during a day. This is really out of my hands, as i cannot control whether a given task takes ten minutes or three hours. It seems that some days everything i touch breaks, tools are missing, and parts are out of stock (i clean and repair popcorn machines). This has some effect on how i perceive my ability to do my work in a adequate manner. From that, i also evaluate how much i enjoy what i do. i feel that my ability to enjoy my work is essential. If i enjoy my work, it is a act of worship - when i enjoy what i am doing, i do better, and my interest in what i do is not from myself but a blessing from God Himself. i have had some wonderful days of work, where i am overwhelmed with joy. Granted, it's not solely the work that i enjoy, but everything that accompanies it. i find that when i reflect on theology and the aspects of God, and enjoy the beauties around me, things go very well - time passes faster, my actual work goes faster, and i am in a state of worship (that is, i am glorifying God with what He has given me, i am overwhelmed with His beauties). i need to change my attitude about my work, i am so fortunate that i have the job that i do.